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It was with the utmost surprise when I received an email from England in July from a gentleman who had been searching for information on his grandfather who had served as an artilleryman in the A.I.F. during WWI. On entering Sidney James name into Google a hit came up that he was mentioned in one of my great, great uncles war diaries (diary two), shown below. I am sure it was just as much a surprise for Sid's grandson as well. |
8th October 1915
Great day. A bit rainy but is a welcome change. Had a bath in fresh water. Used a bar of soap during operations. Struck several boys from Nelson, who are spelling here after playing the good old game on the P. Saw Bob Woods & had a long yarn to him. At night went over to Queen Alexandra House with Chas, and saw Sid James. Had a long yarn to him and while there a squall came up, and we had to hold the tent up for some time. Coming home after the fun I saw about a dozen tents blown down. |
I have now received further information and war records pertaining to Sidney's military life in the 1st Division - 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, along with several photos taken in Egypt, Gallipoli, Western Front, and at the Officer's Training School in London. This information and photos have now been added onto these pages as well. |
Sidney James was originally born in Australia but went on to settle in New Zealand. He then went on to set up theTakapuna RSAwhere he became a very active President/Treasurer for many years. |
The Kivell Family would like to thank the relatives of Lt Sidney James for contacting us and allowing the above information to be added so that these brave men can be remembered with honour. |