Diary One - May 1915.
1st May 1915,
First of the shooting season at home today. We're still after bigger game here. Heavy bombardment all day. The 'Queen' anchored about a mile away, made splendid practice on an enemy's trench. She fired six rounds at this target, all proving effective. When the smoke had cleared, exit trench. Have quite changed my opinion of the Turks. Always thought they compared favourably with Americans, all boast. But what they have stood in reference to gunfire is marvellous. Message dispatched from G.O.C. to our Divisional C.O. Your Australians have done wonders. Bombardment all day.
2nd May 1915,
Things very quiet on shore today. Only about 50 shells lobbed by the fleet. Our 29th Div effected another landing away on the left called Cape Helles. From all accounts they had a pretty stiff time. Tonight from 6 till 8 the heaviest bombardment commenced. It was glorious to watch. One Turkish battery was blown up with six shots. Had a ripping view of it. The concussion of the guns shook our ship some. The gunnery was marvellous. Aeroplane observation. Casualty list on board 5000 killed and wounded. Sgt Goldring whom I met at Mena, is seriously wounded. Hamish went on board the Murmansk to see his Pater. Lt Col. N. bought back bread, milk, jam etc, and Ye Gods Yummies for all. Big beano tonight.
3rd May 1915,
Heavy bombardment this morning. Had orders to get close in and get ready to disembark, when our friends lobbed several shells at us. One chap, about a 10 inch, landed square on the foremost derrick of the boat next to us. Killed and wounded 16. They had our range, and just put them in to their hearts content. Had to put out to sea once more, and remained there for the rest of the day. Just finished beano tonight when Olding came along and told us we were to reinforce the 29th Div at Cape Helles. Great excitement. All just about mad. Weighed anchor 11.25 pm.
Landing at Cape Helles,
4th May 1915,
Arrived at destination 2.30 pm. Started disembarking ashore at 5 pm. Saw to the guns coming off safely. Then Norman, Todd and self went for a stroll, just to see the sights. The foreshore is absolutely lined with trenches and graves. Our chaps lost terribly, and were driven back once right on the beach. The bay itself was strongly fortified and barbed wire was placed 80 yds out from the shore under water, so as to entangle the boats. Got back to the Battery and parked our guns. Bunk on terra firma once again.
5th May 1915,
Got orders early this morning to get going. Walked about 4 miles to our advanced trenches. They (the enemy) didn't half shell us too. Saw a fragment of shell fire from 'Lizzies' 15 inch guns about 2 ft long, 2 inches thick and it took me all my time to lift it with one hand. Saw a French 75 Battery in action for the first time. Also passed a 4.5 Howitzer Battery in action. As I am writing the Lizzie is letting drive broadsides about 3 miles away. About 100 yds to our left a 75 Bty is also letting drive like mad. Got to our rendezvous and started to dig emplacements for our guns. Relieved the L.Bty of their position. They are further over to our left. Opened fire at night. Got peppered in return. No casualties but there was a sniper who nearly scored one hit I happen to know about. No sleep. We are the farthest advanced Bty in this section fall in, for the best part of their sniping.
6th May 1915,
Our first big action. Fighting all day and going some too. Big attack on the town of Krithia and main entrenchments of the Turks. From early morning the British and French wounded have been passing us in a continual stream. This afternoon several infantry chaps were hit around our position and many were dragged into our pits for attention and protection. Sgt Selmes and Gr Gilligan slightly wounded. As I write this seated on the left gun seat waiting for the order to open fire again, they're not half peppering us. Our friend the sniper has our range and occasionally lobs one into our pit. We're after him tonight. Reckon he's had a fairly good innings. Bitterly cold.
7th May 1915,
Exit sniper. Under shell fire all day. They got our range early in the morning and won't forget it. Both English and French Battery's on either side of us had a few casualties yesterday. To our surprise we find the enemy in possession of big howitzers, one fuse head fell into our trench and is a beauty. Subjected to rifle fusillades all afternoon, got quite used to the musical noise the bullets make going overhead. Saw Chas today. Hear that Norman is all right. We're only 1200 yds off the enemies first line trench. Quiet night.
8th May 1915,
Another big bombardment today. We were in action from 10 am till 7 pm, fired 220 rounds. 120 field guns in action together. Talk about an inferno. The noise was deafening. The naval guns supplied the base. "A" Subs gun layer had to get off his seat and get down into the shelter trench, nerves gone I hear. Regret to have to record the death of one of our most liked boys. G.H. King (Kingy) was shot through the heart while bringing up ammunition. Men from Mons say that the battle there wasn't in it with today's fight. Enemy again retreated. One Bty which we can't locate poured shrapnel into us until they must have been sick of it. Both friends and enemy lost terribly. The Turks had to ask for an armistice to bury their dead. Fierce fighting all night.
9th May 1915,
Buried "Kingy" under a hill in the rear of our position. Anyhow he met his death in the way we all hope to meet it if it is to come out here, "In action". Things fairly quiet until 5 pm, when our friends started a counter attack, which came to a sticky end after 2 hours fighting. Aeroplanes report that 2