The following is a newspaper article, published on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary:
GOLDEN WEDDING: Josef Felix BUTLER: Maria Idda FISCHER. A pleasant gathering was held at the residence of Mr & Mrs Josef Butler, Vogeltown, on October 31 1936 to celebrate their Golden Wedding, Mr BUTLER was born in County Aargau, Switzerland in 1860 and arrived in New Zealand in 1884 while Mrs BUTLER arrived in a sailing vessel, the 'Antares', three years previously (1881), also from County Aargau. Many telegrams and messages of congratulations were received on their anniversary. They have a family of thirteen, all of whom were present at the celebration and all of whom live in Taranaki, Mr & Mrs BUTLER have 62 Grandchildren.
In 1907 Josef BUTLER returned to Switzerland by himself and in 1903 he returned again to Switzerland with his wife Idda.
In 1902 Alois BUTLER made his own way to New Zealand with his family. There had been a 10 year gap between Alois and Johann seeing each other.
This photo of Idda, Josef Felix, Kasper & nephew Joe BUTLER taken on the ship in 1913.
This is a photo of Walter Dominick BUTLER and his brother John Josef (Jack) BUTLER - Whakatane (brothers of Joseph Silvan BUTLER of Taranaki)
This is an extract from the 1994 Whakatane BUTLERS'- John Josef (Jack) BUTLER & Evelyn Mary BUTLER nee CROFSKEY Reunion Book - I have put this in because it seem most of our family cannot recall them very well. I feel this article is important as it mentions the ship and a few dates which are important. I have altered the name of the boat Maria Idda FISCHER first arrived on from " Alexandria " to "Antares." |