1st December 1915
Heavy frost last night. Turks again bombarded Lone Pine, but stopped after about two hour's flutter. Marching orders came late tonight. Have just got one party away for Lemnos to pick up guns and ammunition there. Expect to go over tomorrow. Rumoured on good authority that we go from there to Embros. Hope so.
2nd December 1915
Busy packing up all day. Beachy still busy. Expect to leave tonight.
Back at Embros Island
3rd December 1915
Disappointed last night. Still at Anzac awaiting transport. Supposed to leave at minute's notice. LATER. Got orders to leave camp at 9.30. Walked via Walker's Ridge to beach. Got on board a semi-trawler and left at 12.30. Arrived at Embros 5.30. Camped in tents again.
4th December 1915
Spent practically the whole day eating and I am still hungry. Awaiting General Birdwood's return from Cape. Don't know where we are off to yet. Guns and first party on board the Queen Louise. Saw Mr Selmes today. Looking OK. Quite a novel experience not to have to dodge shells or bombs. Plenty of Turks prisoners. Also an aeroplane.
5th December 1915
Still no news as regards shifting from here, so filling in time doing the next best thing to fighting - eating. Delany and myself got permission off DSO to visit the RNAS's aerodrome. Had about 3 ½ hours there this afternoon. Tried to go for a 'rise' but struck hard luck. Having another try tomorrow. Very interesting afternoon.
Walkers Ridge leading down to 'W' Beach
6th December 1915
Missed fire again as regarding having a trip in an aeroplane, the day being rather rough. Had a look around the beach which is strewn with small wrecks, due to the stormy weather of late. Had a good view of the battleships shelling Achi Baba and Anzac. Visited QMS Tabbs, along with Golding at night. Orders in for reveille at 5 am tomorrow. Leaving for Sarpi Camp, Nudros West.
7th December 1915
Couldn't get away today, so made the best of things and kicked around generally. Rec orders for embarkation tomorrow morning at 7.
Onto Lemnos Island
8th December 1915
On board TBD 'Chelmer' heading for Lemnos. Have just got word of hostile aeroplane about. The gunners are on their guns already. Later hour appearance of aeroplane. Arrived at Lemnos and pulled alongside SS Arregon and ordered to Nudros W. Arrived at Camp at 8 pm. Great trip across.
9th December 1915
Getting settled here at our old position. Visited Sonpi this afternoon along with Delany and a chap of the Chelmer. Our party off H supposed to land tonight.
10th December 1915
Guns landed OK also rest of party with the exception of Bradwell and 2 others who are guarding the ammunition. Visited dental hospital later. Saw Golding at No 3 AGH. 500 at night.
11th December 1915
Rebuilding tents etc. Villageing this afternoon and watching football match.
12th December 1915
Getting settled down to Camp life again. Start training tomorrow.
13th December 1915
Camp and training routine similar to Egypt with the exception of having horses. A great number of our troops have been arriving here for the past 24 hours. Nothing definite known but fancy there's a big move somewhere. Glorious weather nowadays. Hear Chas will be over in a day or so.
14th December 1915
Got wet through last night owing to a heavy fog coming up. Didn't awake until 6.30 am. Sleep through anything nowadays. Even artillery or dropping shells have failed to rouse me once I get down. Out for a run tonight. Our battery is playing the Engineers footer tomorrow. Horribly out of form for it though.
15th December 1915
Camp routine same during the morning. Struck a half holiday from 1.30. Our match came off, for reference look at me. Both knees minus skin, ditto repeat ankle and nose and a swollen lip. Watson got a bump on the head which knocked him silly for 3 hours, and England got a broken rib. Still it was a ripping match. We won by 9 to 0.
16th December 1915
Gee, stiff as a poker, knee looks like a well squashed plum pudding. Gift stores arrived today. Caught a shirt, packets of sweets etc. Several of our artillery details arrived today. Believe we are evacuating Anzac for some greater move. Awfully sorry, for although a warm corner of the planet had a great affection for that place. Can't find out what our next move is.
17th December 1915
Had to visit Doctor today. Knee crook. More details arrived from Anzac today. Glorious days here. 500 at night.
18th December 1915
Still attending the Doctor and am exempt from duty. Just my luck. A match against 3rd Bty on Sunday and am hours-de-combat. Can't play. Visited village today. Had tea with a lady and her daughter. Saw Saunders at night.
19th December 1915
'Footer' match again today. Our Bty played the rest of the FA Div. 8 Batteries in all and licked them 8 to 0. Couldn't play owing to crook knee. Delaney and I visited village afterwards and spent the afternoon with the Greek family.
20th December 1915
Camp routine with a vengeance. Mail arrived today, the first we've had for 6 or 7 weeks. Caught quite a few. Awaiting orders for our next shift.
21st December 1915
Orderly Sgt all day. Knee still out of action. Div inspection by OC. Raining.
22nd December 1915
Visited village and the Greek family today. Spent an enjoyable afternoon with Seymour and Bennett. Saw Saunders again. Pay tonight.
23rd December 1915
Light Horse left for Egypt today. Issued with small arm ammunition so expect to shift soon. Believe we're off to Egypt again. Villageing all morning and afternoon packing. Raining.
24th December 1915
Orders out to leave here Boxing Day. All exciting and bustle. Visited village and took leave of our Greek friends. Dry Christmas sticking out.
25th December 1915
Christmas Day, and I've got a 45/- thirst! Quiet day throughout. Concert at night. Favoured the gathering with a rendition. Cold as Charity again.
26th December 1915
Orderly Sgt for the day. Deleany managed to bribe a Greek into selling 2 bottles of Ale, which we had much pleasure in annihilating. Sent our baggage down to the wharf ready for shipment. Believe we leave here for Lemnos Is tomorrow.
27th December 1915
Departure postponed owing to heavy weather. Nothing much doing.
'W' Beach under fire from the Turkish army during evacuation.
28th December 1915
Our old friends the 42nd (who we were attached to at Helles) arrived today being relieved. They landed a little at a time after us. Our Bty played the crack team of Lemnos (1st FA) Football but lost 9 to 3. Didn't play. Knee still crook.
29th December 1915
Our whole Division of Artillery Details went for a 12 mile rout march. Nearly got to Therma. Lovely day and most enjoyable walk.
General evacuation order back to Alexandria
30th December 1915
Received orders at 5.30 am to pack up and get out. Left camp at 7.45. Embarked from Sapper Pier and got aboard SS 'Tunisican'. At present waiting orders to leave port.
31st December 1915
Left Lemnos Island at 4 am. Picked up our escort, a light cruiser. Submarines fairly busy around these parts. Have been steering a Zig Zag course all day. Great beano tonight with Brunnell, Seymour, Pyemont, Bloomfield and Goldfinch. Real surprise for the New Year; turkey, cakes and Bass.