Diary One - August 1915
Diary - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
April May June July August September
4th August 1915
On a mine sweeper off back again, thank god! Feeling pretty rotten, but I'll take my chance of getting better back there than this hell hole. Applied for my hospital discharge yesterday and managed to get it after almost getting down as far as my knees and begging it. Got onto a troop ship on the way over, and had a decent feed, the first time I've had a digestible meal or part of one since I left the Battery. Expect to arrive at Helles late tonight.

Arrival back at Cape Helles

5th August 1915
Arrived at "W" beach and landed early this morning. Walked to our waggon line had 'a break' and Ye Gods; a wash. Got up to the Bty. later in the morning. Thankful to get back. Got into action at night. Believe there's an enormous 'dust up' coming off in a few days. Had a ripping supper, green peas and roast beef, macaroni and milk. Think your at Samuals. Whisky and lemon for a nightcap. Guess I'll be alright again soon.

6th August 1915
Orders for the bombardment to hand this morning. Opened up at 3 pm. The ships and heavies starting at 1 pm. Everything O.K. Left advanced considerably. Fired 214. Bty fired 900 odd. Sgt Selmes wounded.

7th August 1915
Bombarding all day. Too done up to write much. Gr Smith wounded. Believe we are to have two more days of this.

Anzac troops working the guns at Gallipoli (GWS)

8th August 1915
Heavy fighting all day. A few monitors with 14 inch guns came up and helped to paint the landscape hideous. Towards evening the Turks attacked in massed formation. Every available gun was turned on to repelling them which they did with terrible effect. Not one Turk succeeded in getting within striking distance of our fire trench. The shrapnel just tore long lanes in the advancing lines, and their well planned attack came to a sticky end. Just towards dusk we got 5 14 inch shells at us from somewhere on the map. Don't know where as yet, but gee, they made a mess of the road in one place. British submarine torpedoed Turkish battleship. Fighting all night.

9th August 1915
Heavy rifle fire all day. The enemy bombed our chaps out of a small trench last night, and they (the Turks) have been getting particular attention in that section. Later in the day, we opened up this trench with H.E. and played 'H' generally. This evening we had several visits from (Asiatic) Quick Dick. This is a British 6 inch gun with an awfully high explosive, firing Armstrong's ammunition. Well we think the rifling of that gun has gone, because we had five landed around us which came end over end, not point first as they should and they just skidded along the ground on striking, not even burying. Never exploded either, so we have 5 good trophies. Gr Young wounded.

10th August 1915
Very hot day. Heavy fighting up in the infantry trenches all day. Chas and I up to the first line this afternoon. Had a good screw around. The heaviest fighting during the last 4 days has been in a vineyard. The vines are trampled down and torn about with H.E. and shrapnel and interspersed with bodies. Our fellows got it pretty heavy in one corner, but Johnny Turk got it hot too. Got down to the Bty late. Had tea and got straight into action. They switched 3 of their Btys on to us so we had to shut up after half an hours scrapping.

11th August 1915
Very hot again today, so this morning we went for a swim. Asia could only spare us 2 shells, neither of which came very near or exploded so we had a glorious undisturbed bathe also a sun bathe. In the afternoon Q.D. had another go at our batteries, but failed miserably to do any material damage, but one shell got into a mob of horses, and laid a few out. All last night we were in action until 4 am this morning. Feeling quite fit again.

12th August 1915
Very hot today again. Too hot to go for a swim even, so had to resort to a bath in front of our gun. Opened fire towards evening and our friends Q.D. and Asiatic Annie replied, anyhow they haven't quite got our position and Q.D. has run out of Armstrong ammunition, so they have to blaze their own poor imitation ammunition away. The French have blown up several of their shells which have failed to explode. Great fun watching them at it. Heavy shelling of our trenches by the Turks.

13th August 1915
In action all last night. Turks attacked and captured a portion of our firing line G12. We repulsed 3 more attempts on their part to follow up their first advance. In action from 7:45 until 9:15 on the same stunt. Another 75 blown up today. This makes 12 of their 75 to be blown out on the Peninsular. Mail came to the Bty. today, mine nonest. Very quite night. Decent sleep tonight, I think!

14th August 1915
Got orders late last night to go up to our observing post to relieve the Major for a few hours, so I am up here. Nothing doing. Haven't even seen a Turk this morning. Got down to the Bty. at 9 am break. All our artillery is moving up. In front of us about 100yds is 75 Bty. Behind us about 50yds a 5in Howitzer Bty. (French). Tonight Asia bombarded 'W' beach with 4 new guns which he has brought up and placed in Kum Kale. Our 7.5 and 6in engaged them and soon shut them up.

15th August 1915
Asia had another go about 2 am this morning. I can see sadness setting in for that Bty. today. We have 2 10 inch guns in position now, and the St. Louis is handy, so they'll get a fireworks display for their special benefit. Later... Asia got it. A monitor came up and lifted the lid off 'H' this afternoon. Haven't heard from that Bty. since. Fairly quiet day, but believe we're having a go tonight sometime to get back that Y12 we lost.

16th August 1915
In action at 2:15 am. Going some too. Don't know if we were successful or not as yet. Later... our attack failed last night. Don't know the reason but it did. Several reinforcements arrived here today. 1 Sgt who was attached to our Bty, I found out to be Wid Watson, the N.S.W. rep footballer, a great pal of Bats & Harfords and brother of the No. 1 of our gun in H. Bty N.Z. Had a great yarn with him. Things very quiet all along our front. Our transport Royal George torpedoed with the loss of 1400 lives.

17th August 1915
Very hot all day. Went for a stroll down to our waggon line this morning just for a bit of exercise. Up to the 3 pounder this afternoon, and loosed a few. Thought it was Christmas or Guy Fawkes today. Some kind, beneficent, interfering people sent our Bty. chocolates, biscuits, writing gear etc. Everybody seemed to be quiet for half an hour or so. Started 500 again. Dorgs at it.

18th August 1915
Very quiet day, and awfully hot. Fires ditto. Too hot to go anywhere in particular so lounged around all day. Swim last night with Hollis and Delaney. Quiet night.

19th August 1915
Rain this morning. Didn't last extra long. Nothing much doing, got a few shells over this afternoon but did no damage. Our first touch of winter tonight. Everybody is wearing woollen caps and tunics. Quite a change from shorts putties and boots and nothing else worth talking about. Quiet night.

20th August 1915
Glorious day. Real N.Z. autumn. Swim too, and a couple of H.E. Played 500 all the morning. Things very quiet. Official news through says that there are 3 divisions of Arabs (?) coming over to try and push us about. Poor dears they'll get it. Artillery duel between French 10 in and Asians ditto, saw the effect of Asia's but couldn't see the French inoculation against Cholera. Sing song at night. There's 16in in our group now and we made enough row to frighten all the Turks this side of Achi Baba.

21st August 1915
Feeling fit as the devil himself again. Had a stroll down to the waggon line, and got my boots off. Mail arrived, 1 from home, 2 from Mitton. Intermittent shelling all day. Big beano at night. Chas raided some place and nabbed 2 bottles of fizz and 2 of wine. No wonder I'm feeling fit. Quiet night.

22nd August 1915
Went up with Mac's break this morning. Nearly had a trip to Alexandria, by the way, per shrapnel. Quiet day. Wouldn't know there was a war on. Asia started tonight. Dr Jackson wounded. Wrote Hossie.

23rd August 1915
Blowing like old nick, and pretty chilly with it. Feeling a bit after 18 months perpetual summer. Nothing much doing. Edwards ordered to Alexandria. Pretty crook with fever. Quiet night.

24th August 1915
Still blowing like 'H'. Went for a stroll down to the waggon line in the afternoon. 5 Bty just behind opened up tonight. Gives you a smack in the back like a kick from an elephant. Can see the shell as it leaves the muzzle. Played 500 until we nearly went to sleep. Good news regarding victory in the Baltic and Italy declared war on Turkey.

25th August 1915
Nothing much doing. Wouldn't know there was a war on, but for the occasional shell. Played 500 all afternoon. Quiet night.

26th August 1915
Up at the observation station this morning. Nothing doing baring a few bombs being slung about. Some heavy howitzer has been sending over a few to range on to the 5in Bty in the rear.

27th August 1915
Lovely day. Went for a stroll up to the fire trenches this morning. Nothing doing. Couldn't even get a shot in. Big canteen shipment of fruits and comforts arrived tonight. Found myself playing the auctioneer stunt.

28th August 1915
Quiet day, but a bit of shelling at night. Everybody busy preparing winter quarters. Nothing doing.

29th August 1915
Heavy shelling of counter batteries all afternoon. Second injections of anti-cholera tack. Soon be proof against everything except H.E. shells. Quiet night.

30th August 1915
Quiet day. Artillery duels the order of the afternoon. Pretty stiff rifle fire all night.

31st August 1915
Up at observation station again. Nothing doing, baring the French and enemies heavies belting at each other, and sundry convoys that are kicking about. Heavy shelling tonight.

April May June July August September
Diary - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5