1st September 1915
Things getting quite interesting again. Counter Btys having quite a little flutter again. Orders out for winter quarters starting tomorrow.
2nd September 1915
Hard at it. Reconstructing gun pit and making waterproof dug outs. Asia started out again tonight. Good 2 hrs bombardment.
3rd September 1915
Still working at pit. Can't close either hand. Blisters galore. Awfully hot day. Great bombardment by the monitors destroyers and heavies of Asia, and our front tonight. Great sight. Seemed as though there was a war on somewhere.
4th September 1915
Great sport today. Our heavies been having shot for shot against Asia and Achi Baba. Got a few over our way between times. Count on Asia remembering that we're still on this particular planet. Quiet night.
5th September 1915
Ditto repeato of yesterday. Nothing much doing along the front.
6th September 1915
Busy night I believe. They tell me Asia was going all night and Achi Baba was shrapneling us. Also that the 5in French Bty about 500yds in rear was firing for an hour. Heard nothing of it. Sleep to well in this country. Inspection by some General somebody. Told us we were to be transferred to ANZAC.
7th September 1915
Still nothing much doing baring the heavies paying each other compliments. Received orders to go to Fire trenches tomorrow. Quiet night.
8th September 1915
Up to the F.T. this morning. Had a screw around on my own. Couldn't see much to shoot at so came back to our Telephone Station. Worst luck our station recalls tender memories, being called B.O. or in telephone alphabet Beer Oh (Rotten). Decent stint on this evening. Saw bombardment of G12 & G13 by our batteries with a few more thrown in, with trench mortars, tossing about serial torpedoes. Great sight. We were in a trench about 100yds from where they were lobbing so had a ripping view.
9th September 1915
Up at 6 am. Cold as charity up here, miss my little cubby house, 2/300yds in rear. Only one blanket up here. 7 down below. Had a run around the trenches this afternoon. Adjutant of 1/5 H.L.I. Mr Olding and self had a ripping bit of sniping. Also ditto repeato of last nights "Hate". Quiet night.
10th September 1915
Up early again this morning. Still cold as Charity. Had to sleep right in a trench last night and by the bruises and the amount of skin knocked off my arms and knees, reckon someone or a battalion or infantry has used me as a door mat. Something more for Kaiser Bill to pay for. Got down to the Bty at 10.30 am. Bath and slept for the majority of the day.
11th September 1915
Pretty quiet again. Getting ready for another move. Got several letters from Generals and a few more 'spare parts' thanking us for our excellent work etc until one really thinks that we're real 'Dorgs'. Got a present of a tin of Egyptian Cigarettes today. God bless Sir Walter Raleigh and Cleopatra. Intermittent shelling this afternoon.
12th September 1915
North Pole still in its furthest south position I think. Preparing for our shift. Don't know where we're off to only know it's somewhere on the map around here.
13th September 1915
Up at observation station this morning. Started slaying early by sticking a snake with a French bayonet. The brute crawled over my arm while I was watching a bit of Hate being vented on the 'Ts'. Walked over to the L.Bty later on. Norm, Pearce, Delaney, & self indulged in cards all afternoon. Several good artillery duels by counter batteries but as our guns are just about worn out (unfortunately) we had to be quiet. Had a go at cooking later. About 7 of the boys are at present suffering acutely from pains low down in the interior. Liable to spontaneous combustion any moment. Asia became very active tonight.
14th September 1915
A bit of hate on the right this morning. Spread to the left later on, when about 8 batteries concentrated on to the T's and sent things spinning for a time. Walked with Delaney over to L Battery to see some pal of his. Learn that Derbyshire, the only gunner of the three left at the gun at Mons was killed by a shell from Asia. Asia and our heavies been going some all afternoon. Towards evening some insignificant Bty sent us over a dozen but we showed our independence by not replying because their shooting was rotten.
15th September 1915
Rained like blazes last night, but our dug-out proved quite water proof although the mud was particularly sloppy when we got out this morning. Have just rec. orders to expect a move any old time now to go to some new landing, so I suppose things will be extra brisk soon. HURRAH!
Have decided to send this to Lottie.
Battery of artillery on the Gallipoli shore (GWS)