9th February 1917
Went up to the Bty today also reported to Brigade HQ. Ordered to rejoin the old 9th again. Saw Chas who has been in Hospital since I left with flu. Got back to W.L. again and got packed up and ready to move to the Bty. Bitterly cold.
10th February 1917
Left W.L. this morning for the Battery. Got up there in time for a strafe. Had to leave the position twice because the Hun made things too hot. Still bitterly cold. Snow and ice everywhere.
11th February 1917
Firing all night. Got shelled again this afternoon but no damage done. Saw Chas again today. Everything OK here only bitterly cold. Strafed a machine gun tonight.
12th February 1917
Left Bty at 11.30 am and walked down to W.L. Intend staying down for a few days to adjust sundry things. Still as cold as Charity.
13th February 1917
Still cold. Getting to work on organising my W.L. Sundry artillery hates but nothing much doing.
14th February 1917
Still at W.L. Went down to the new W.L. this afternoon. Coming home met the major who imparted the rotten news that I am to remain down from the guns for another 2 or 3 days. Big raid on our front tonight by 'us'.
15th February 1917
Reorganising like blazes or trying to.
16th February 1917
Exciting day. Early this morning a patrol of Huns raided us. Set fire to a big ammunition dump on our right, and all day its been going good, just like a Guy Fawkes night display. The Taubes got awful cheeky. Came right down close to the ground and strafed our roads rather well with machine guns. Down at the new W.L. getting thing ship shape. Quite a Spring day today. Colonel Burgess presented with the Legion of Honour.
17th February 1917
Raining like blazes. Mud knee deep everywhere. Just about finished at W.L. Off up to the guns tomorrow.
18th February 1917
Rode up to the Guns this morning. Nothing much doing with the exception of getting bogged. One or two small hates. Otherwise quiet.
19th February 1917
A bit of a war on today. Had afternoon with Chas. Mud glorious.
20th February 1917
Brigade F.O.O. today. Went up to the Front Line and had a bit of a war on my own. Trenches thigh deeps in mud and water. Tried to register Z barrage but couldn't get communication. Having another go tomorrow. Got lost coming home owing to mist. Another stint tonight.
21st February 1917
Major came up today. Cooper returned to W.L. Went up with Major Rogers to register Z barrage. Got caught in a Hun barrage and had a couple of hours side stepping in the mud. Registered all right although a sniper nearly got one hit in that I know of. Mud still glorious. Got back to Bty late. Wet through of course.
22nd February 1917
Down at Bty all day. Still wet and muddy. Reported to a new O.S tonight. Old one full of gas. On liaison duty.
23rd February 1917
Spent a comfortable night last night, I don't think. Got shelled early this morning of course. No gas shells though, for which many thanks. Sundry hates all day.
24th February 1917
Great fun last night. Just going to bed when Mr Hun started making things uncomfortable by bombarding the Bty with 8.2 Hows. Awfully exciting while it lasted. Had to get all the gun crews into funk pits while the Major, Richardson and myself beat a hasty retreat into the telephone pit, until the bombarding was over. He gave us a half an hour excitement then evidently satisfied himself. Made another attempt to get to bed, but he started again so had to crawl out again and he had another little bit of fun
25th February 1917
Up all night awaiting a stunt that didn't come off. At least it came off but without us adding to the fun of the show. Our infantry on the right had an advance but met with no opposition but we had to stand to all night in case we were wanted. Passed the night in preparing several suppers and consuming same. Went up forward this afternoon. Got bogged umpteen times. Also paid particular attention to by a Hun machine gun which gave us a good run for our money over a sunken road 2 feet deep in slush. Got up to an advance Lewis Gun Position and spotted a lovely target which I hope to have a good say in blowing out. Its a nice bit of work, a brand new trestle bridge in Le Transloy. Have more to say about it later I hope. Saw a nice bit of Hate at 8.00 also got something back. Got back to battery late.
26th February 1917
Damn everybody, particularly Brigade HQ. Received orders late last night to report to 7th Bty for duty. That means I am transferred from the 9th. The major has just strafed BHQ but to no avail so its a case of obeying orders like a 'good' soldier and lumping it. Have exhausted all my swear words so won't say any more but will endeavour with the Major's help to do things and it also means that that bridge doesn't get strafed. Rotten luck. Reported to 7th Bty Captain Crisp OC. Ordered to report to 14th Inf Bde HQ. Came up here. Am acting as Liaison Officer. Believe I am here for a week. This is quite a change from getting bogged in the trenches. Am quite a glorified telephonist now-a-days. Relieved Capt Manton of the 8th.
27th February 1917
Took it out of Mr Hun today. Must strafe somebody. Turned the heavies on to some of his batteries who had the cheek to drop a few about. Got quite a decent crowd here, Brigadier-General is CO and is an awfully decent chap. Rumour has it that out friend Mr Hun is evacuating the line here. Just trying to emulate our stunt at Anzac but I'll wager quite a lot that it isn't as successful. Anyhow hope he is in no hurry because I want to be in the dash forward, if there is a dash. Have always wanted a real good 'go' in the open. Leaving with the Staff Captain. Wisdong, a Sydney chap.
28th February 1917
Another war today. Caught a few around Cemetery Circle. Artillery hates all day. Gas alarm tonight; also a Hell of a scrap on the left. Enjoying things generally.