Diary Five - March 1917
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August September October November February March
Western Front - Passchendaele
1st March 1917
Up early this morning to relieve the Brigade Major Things quiet generally this morning. Things slightly different this afternoon. Evidently the Huns had a big relief on and they came along a road to the right of Beaulencourt. Got word through from BOP and put the Batteries on to them and didn't they get it in the neck. Got a ripping report from the Inf. Major. Got right into a patrol of over a hundred, and didn't they get it. Several other patrols came along later and they also got a contribution. Gas alarm tonight. They sent over gas shells round Bty 2 but it didn't reach this far.

2nd March 1917
Fairly quiet morning misty and inclined to rain. Got a call from the Front Line this afternoon Ye Gods of Angels in Heaven. Will you send over a few bars of love' which amplified meant that the Huns were manning Heaven Trench (their Front Line) and would we open fire. We did. Result quite a lot got Huns. Later At 8.10 our worthy friends attacked Runsay Trench which we pinched from them last night. The guns got going 2 minutes after the first S.O.S. went up. Result again they got it well in the neck. Just got a report from the Front Line, and it says that the attack completely broke down under our fire. One Hun Company of friends were bagged to a man.

3rd March 1917
Very wintry today. Sundry artillery 'Hates' but nothing much doing. Tonight we had two gas alarms. The first was a 'dud' but the second was O.K. only shell gas though. Was pretty thick up here for a time but nothing to worry about.

4th March 1917
Managed to get my hair cut today. Not before I wanted it either. Still cold, but fine. Artillery hates all day. Very heavy shelling on the right early this morning. An awfully funny thing happened with a patrol of ours consisting of 4 men. They were out in NML (no man's land) and got caught by a Hun Patrol of 40 who took them prisoners anyhow both parties got lost in the mist, finally they all walked into our own lines, and we bagged 40 Huns without a casualty.

5th March 1917
Up at 3 A.M. to relieve the Brigade Major and Staff Capt. Snowing like blazes. Glorious sight outside. Very heavy fall this time. Have just got a glorious fire going so it can snow quick and hard if it likes. Decent sort of a day after the fall, so decent that quite a number of Tanks came over and provided us with a little amusement. Sundry hates all day.

6th March 1917
Sundry aeroplane stunts today. Our planes sank 3 Taubes and they got one of ours which isn't a bad percentage for us. Had a visit from Shaw today. Believe we shift from here tomorrow sometime. Pestered with a few 5 gs about 1pm, but got a Bty to work and it put a stop to their pranks.

7th March 1917
Up early this morning getting ready for our shift. Left old Bde HQ and came over to this one. En route had rather an exciting time. Four of us the G, Major, S.C. and myself were sneaking along when the Huns sent over a few salvos of 4.2 Two came too close for us to get the splinters but the G and I both slopped a bump of earth apiece. Nothing but bruises though. The rotten part about it though is that the explosion made out ears ring like fury. As a matter of fact mine are still ringing as though I'd swallowed a gigantic telephone something or another. Got rather decent quarters down here. Sundry hates all day, but over too quick for any decent work.

8th March 1917
Nothing much doing with the exception of getting an occasional burst of Shrapnel over and snowing like blazes.

9th March 1917
An occasional strafe and more snow about. Nothing much doing.

10th March 1917
Cooper came up to relieve me today. Said 'cheerio' to BHQ Staff, après lunch and reported to Bty via Ginchy. Got strafed with wizz bangs and 8.2 coming down. Called into HQ and reported to CO. Received instruction from OC. Capt Crisp to relieve Healy at WL. Left guns moved about 4pm into the 9th WL and caught some mail. Arrived at 7th WL late.

11th March 1917
Getting a knowledge of things with Healy. Had a ride into Albert this afternoon. Visited the Officers Club there and had afternoon tea. Got mounted on a rather fiery stead which did its best to throw me.

12th March 1917
Healy left for Bty this morning so I'm down here for a while. Nothing much doing. Rather quiet, but the mud is still thick. Caught some more mail today.

13th March 1917
Raining like blazes as per usual. Rode up to the 9th's WL this evening and had dinner with Faulkner. Got back about 8.30pm. Rode the SM horse. Some charger.

14th March 1917
Still raining and mud knee deep everywhere.

15th March 1917
Working like a Trojan getting things square. Mud still gloriously soupy and still raining.

16th March 1917
Better day today. Very heavy bombardment on both left, right and centre

August September October November February March
Monthly Diaries
Diary - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5