Daily Diaries
Diary One
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5th April 1915 to the 15th September 1915
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14th June 1915
What a day we've had. The first man who tells me about 'Generous Asia' I'll shoot. All last night they peppered us making an awful mess of things. I'd like to get hold of the gun-layer on that 6 inch for the space of 5 minutes. Wouldn't care what happened after that. I do love that man. They've pestered us all day and towards evening their field gun took it up but we quickly shut them up, but those big brutes are out of our range. Wanted to go for a dip but couldn't. Only wish Lizzie would put in an appearance.

15th June 1915
They're still going on with the game. Was in my dug-out all morning. Sgt Bradwell has come up to relieve Norman. Sgt Gurd wounded. This evening between 6 and 7 the 4 inch battery that blew 'C' gun up, started on us again. Ron Fillstead wounded.

16th June 1915
Heavy shelling all day. Evidently they intend blowing this battery off this planet if it takes all their ammunition to do it. At one time we had three batteries at us, but we're still here. Our Asiatic friends busy too. Located our aerodrome and started pestering it severely, so much so, that all the planes have to go up. Going some all night.

17th June 1915
Very hot day. Asia still going strong, our 7.5 engaging them. 3 large troopships at the base with some Scottish troops. Can't get down to the beach these days, Asia wants it too badly, so have turned the course of a creek and made a ripping bath in front of the gun. Battleship in action at night.

18th June 1915
Woke up this morning by a 4.7 throwing dirt all over us. Awfully pleasant, believe me. Awfully hot. This evening the Navy came up and had a word or two with Asia, sent a dozen 12 inch over. Hope they got some of our friends, particularly that howitzer. Heavy fighting all night.

19th June 1915
Shell fire again proves a good alarm clock, although it went off too early for this child this morning. Tried to get some more sleep, but our friends said NO, so that settles it I suppose. Norman and I went for a ramble to see Chas this morning. Had a good screw around, and went up to our old observing station which our Major had to evacuate because things got too hot there. Got back at noon, and received orders to go up to the 1st line infantry trenches as 2nd Artillery Observing Officer, so scrambled up here, after working out my way up by Algebra. Reported myself, and got a new wire run out for the phone, old one was broken by shrapnel, and then did some sniping. Great fun. Believe I'm here for 48 hours.

20th June 1915
This life suits me splendidly. Having the time of my life up here. Only 30yds separates our 'loved' ones and ourselves in one part of the trench, 450yds the greatest distance. Great sport sniping. They're nuts on periscopes though.

21st June 1915
Up at 3:30 this morning repairing telephone wires. Observing all day. French made a big attack on the right. Captured 3 lines of trenches, and a redoubt. Left the trench at 6:30. Got a machine gun enfilading us. Got down to the Bty. had a good feed and bath and feel O.K. Mail arrived last night, none from home. Cpl Evans and Lewis wounded.

22nd June 1915
Woke up very late this morning. Anyhow was in time to see 2 points as the Taube eventually made for home. Unfortunately our Biplane never had enough pace to overtake it. Asia didn't 'Want' the beach today, so went and had a swim. Think that the big 10 inch is silenced. Haven't heard from him in 3 days now. Sing song.

23rd June 1915
Still hot. Got a surprise. Told I could have a few days down at the waggon line as there won't be much doing for a while. Got down here at 11:30. Camping with Challen. Living like a king.

24th June 1915
Very hot day. Enjoying my spell immensely. Went down at 5:30 for a swim. They irritated us again with a 15 pounder Bty. Got Frenchmen and a couple of horses. At dinner today we had a visit from a 6ft snake. Crawled between Challen and myself and into the bushes at the back of the 'Table' before we could get a shot at it.

25th June 1915
Having a great time although it's awfully hot and the flies pest the life out of you. More mail today, mine nonest. Can't make it out. Beano tonight.

26th June 1915
Wakened by a bomb dropped by a Taube, made an awful mess of a few trees etc. but as usual never done anybody any harm. Also dropped a circular telling us that we have been misled by England and they've had no personal grievance against us. Also that our Navy had deserted us, and further fighting was simply signing our own death warrants, so the only thing to do was surrender. Like to get hold of the chap who edited that. Very hot day almost as hot as the circular. Our answer will be sent over to our friends within the next 2 or 3 days for there's going to be 'H' let loose shortly.

27th June 1915
Was having a very peaceful sleep this morning after breakfast when I got orders to return to the Battery for another bombardment. Would have liked to have stayed here a day or two longer, but you don't catch this child missing a bit of fun. Had the chance of a commission in Kitcheners Army in England, but don't think I'll go for it. Would sooner remain where I am. Got back to the Battery at 11:30 am. Am smarting all over from sunburn, and our aeroplanes went on a raid tonight. Great sight to see them all up.

28th June 1915
9 am. Have just got orders for the fight starting at 10:30. Up at 4 am this morning and registered another target. All ready to start the picnic. Oh! Oh! Delphine, what a day we've had. For the last 12 hrs we've been at it with vengeance. Our chaps captured 7 lines of trenches, 14 machine guns, 1 Battery, and 500 prisoners. Half an hour after the fun started, you couldn't see anything for dust, flames and smoke. Oh! and didn't they paste us, one of our Batteries had 3 guns blown up. Can put that down to Asia. We are preparing for another big scrap during the next 2 or 3 days. Chas Way wounded tonight.

29th June 1915
Gee, what a day for heat. Had a quiet day as regards scrapping but Asia hasn't. For the last 5 hrs, 6 of their guns have been searching this gully of ours, but so far haven't succeeded in blowing us out, although one landed about an hour ago, which covered us in mud and smoke. Expecting a big counter-attack tonight. Aeroplane reports enemy massing north of Krithia. They don't know what they're in for. A Taube came over this morning and dropped 4 bombs but did no damage as far as we know, made an awful mess though. Got a touch of that infernal fever again. Dosing myself with enough quinine to kill a elephant.

30th June 1915
Bit cooler today. Pyemont and Ron Anderson returned from hospital today. Pyemont only here for half an hour when he was shot in the left arm, so has gone back to hospital again. Mr Olding also returned. Has quite recovered from his knock. Captured two lines of trenches. In the afternoon the Swiftshure came up and livened up Asia because all last night they kept up fire from 4 guns firing every half hour. She poured in about 100 rounds. Made an awful mess of things but don't know what damage she did.

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