Daily Diaries
Diary One
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5th April 1915 to the 15th September 1915
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1st July 1915
Had a glorious night last night. Those devils over the water did go some. Had 4 big howitzers in action and gave us salvos every half hour. One big shell landed 10yds away from the rear of our gun but covered everything with dirt but it happened at 12 pm, so all of us were well asleep in our respective dug-outs. Dug a bonzer big hole which we now use for putting scraps in, saves a lot of digging. Mail arrived here this afternoon. Caught a few. General Gourod wounded. A shell burst underneath him and blew off a leg and arm.

2nd July 1915
Had a great bit of fun last night. Got on the nail of 2 spies and after chasing after them for 4 1/2 hours caught them in the fire trench of the Hawke Battalion in D. Great sport. Quiet day all along the front, but Asia still continues to make a nuisance of itself. A couple of destroyers went around tonight, and started an argument with their howitzers. Believe we are going to have a storm. Black as your hat, with tons of thunder and lightning. Got into action this afternoon, and stopped a few reinforcements from getting to their fire trench.

3rd July 1915
What a night we've had. Deluged with water and caked with mud. To make things worse some wag started singing HOME SWEET HOME in the middle of the circus. Gee it doesn't half rain here. Think a reservoir's burst. Rain ceased 10 am. Learned that the prisoners we captured are at present awaiting court-martial at British Headquarters. Wouldn't mind being in the firing party if it comes to pass. One of them said something about one of us in French while we were coming down from the fire trench that night, that under normal circumstances I'd wring a mans neck for. Received a promotion in orders this morning (Cpl).

4th July 1915
Another repetition of last evenings programme. Rain and mud galore. French magazine blown up, while the Turks scored a point by sinking a French transport. Luckily, the troops had been disembarked 3 days before. Sank in 3 minutes.

5th July 1915
Heavy attack by the Turks along our centre and right wing. They managed to take one trench but we got stuck into them this morning, retook the trench and inflicted awful slaughter on its defenders. All this morning we were in action, our friend the 4 inch Battery got on to us again, but did no damage, only blew a hole in our pit wall. Taube amusing itself by bomb dropping all afternoon.

6th July 1915
Fearfully hot day. Asia didn't want the beach this morning so we went for a swim. Their field batteries from Achi Baba wanted a portion of it though and made things just a fraction uncomfortable. A whole Scottish Div. landed here now. Have been expecting another bombardment. All crews on the guns at 4 am today but nothing so far. Went for a ride down to the beach at night on Challen's horse. Awfully funny to be mounted again. Great fun jumping trenches with a few shells dropping about.

7th July 1915
Another roaster of a day. Got orders to go up to (RD) (K O S13) observing artillery fire again. Mr Olding, Clearyland, Cairns, and party, left the Battery at 5 pm. Had you seen us, you would have taken us for a picnic party up Middle Harbour bent on staying no less than a month. Bill and I started cooking tea, made an awful mess of it, had a rotten attack of indigestion this evening. Things very quiet up here. To make matters worse, the K O S13 are all lowland Scotchmen and I can't understand more than 2 words they say.

8th July 1915
Observing fire all day. Watched a .75 Bty amuse itself by knocking sand-bags off the top of the Turks First Line trenches. Also had the pleasure of seeing a big store in Krithia blown up by our 18ins. The Turks were using this as an ammunition base. Didn't half make a mess of it too. A gun called "Quick Dick" paid us his respects about 5 pm and cheered us up somewhat. Peppered a few boards and planks from over our heads, but only succeeded in covering us with dirt. Quiet night.

9th July 1915
Got to be quite an expert at cooking. Bosker at boiling rice. Bill attends to the meat etc. though. Won't trust me. Up in our fire trench this morning. Got 2 bullet holes through my periscope. Got back to the Redoubt and our friend Q.D. got busy and planted 2 percussion and 4 shrapnel into us. Ripped things about fairly horribly. Capt. Callaghan came up to relieve us at 7 pm. Got back to Battery alright. Had a decent bath and a good innings at boiling macaroni. Quiet night.

10th July 1915
Heavy shelling all day, both the Turks and our artillery going strong. They've got a new Howitzer Bty somewhere about and they know how to use it. Have just got the order to draw 1000 rounds of fused shell for another big bombardment which takes place, I believe, on Monday. Bgr Filstead and Daily returned from hospital. Both O.K. again. A battleship came up early this morning and smashed things about in the vicinity of Kum Kale. Scrapping on and off all night.

French battery moving a 75mm gun (CPE)

11th July 1915
Sunday again and our friends have great memories. Always paste us somewhat. Asia has had a fairly good innings this morning. Landed some Lt 3 Howitzer shells on the flat in our rear. Went down for a swim this morning and saw the French 7.5 engaging Asia's Howitzers. Great. We could see the full effect of both sides fire, particularly Asia's because we were only about 800yds from where their shells were landing. No damage done to the French. They're still at it. Seem to have a never ending supply of ammunition. Quiet night.

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